It is never too late to get engaged…

By 17th August 2017Uncategorized

Exhibiting at a show is a great experience. It is definitely the one time when your customers are saying “ok, I’m here, sell to me!” You are not disturbing their day with cold calls, emailers or any of the other methods we all use to push our products and services.

So with your customer making the effort to travel to a venue in the UK or around Europe you want to make sure they have a great experience on your stand.

Engagement pieces can leave a positive lasting memory with customers long after the event has ended and really do play a major role in the whole visitor experience.

Here are a few that have worked exceptionally well for our clients –

Interactive quiz’s – It is relatively easy to create an app, run it on a large touch screen and have visitors competing to get the top score! Having a good prize for the winner definitely helps to bring out the competitive side of people and creates a buzz around your stand. You will find that as the crowd grows more and more people will want to be part of it.

Use your stand to create a game – Augmented Reality can be easily setup up and incredibly effective. Making images and logos on your stand come to life with AR can help create a new and exciting experience for visitors. It also means that participants will be encouraged to walk around and inspect different elements of your stand, learning more about what you can offer them.

People love something for free. Psychologists have shown that this is one of the best ways to encourage people to think positively about you and your company. A majority of companies at shows will give away the usual suspects – pens, stress balls etc… it has all been done a million times before. Here at Red Blizzard we believe that using the latest technologies to create something bespoke is definitely the way forward in creating the perfect visitor experience. 3D printed chocolate was one of our most recent projects, where we set the printer up to create a caricature of customer’s faces out of chocolate. The printer did not stop for 3 days! It really went down a storm!

Think outside the box – Guiness World Records  – There are many many outlandish feats with the GWR but there are also some very simple ideas which can easily be recreated on your stand. A recent event saw a recreation of the Silverstone race track, visitors had to draw around the track as quickly as possible. All that was required was a white board, some pens and a simple print of the track. The quickest time won a prize. This challenge was the talk of the event. With many visitors coming back over and over again to try and better the top score. You do not have to spend a fortune to stand out from the crowd.

Happy engaging…

#redblizzardengagement  #redblizzard

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